If you have yet to try a LUNA bar, I suggest picking one up next time you swing by the grocery! These nutrition bars are specifically made for women by Cliff Bar and Company. They recognize that while the Cliff bars are great for men, women are looking for less calories, specific nutrients and a tastier product!
Check out a quick preview of their philosophy on why they are passionate about LUNA bars:
LUNA is dedicated to helping women meet the specific nutritional requirements to maintain active lifestyles. We take a whole-life approach, trying to embrace healthy living and bring communities of women together. When we feel well-nourished, we are more in tune with ourselves and the world around us.
My favorite part of this line of nutrition bars is the life-isms they offer women on the back of every bar. There is a dedication written from one woman to another special woman in her life, anyone can go on their website and write a LUNA dedication! For example, on the bar I am eating this morning the back reads:
“To my mom, for personifying the definition of unconditional love every day of her life and for inspiring me to be a better person every day of mine. Love you.” – Michelle , Cambridge, MA
Pick up a LUNA bar next time and give one a try, embrace their life-isms and maybe even write a dedication of your own! Your quote might be on my next nutrition bar!
*What is your favorite flavor LUNA bar?